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Staying Safe

Altrincham CE Primary School has a duty of care to all pupils.  As staff, we collectively work hard to protect children from harm and to safeguard their wellbeing. Everyone at Altrincham CE Primary School is jointly responsible for safeguarding but we do have a dedicated team of trained Safeguarding  Leads:

Mrs Chrysler, Mrs Watkins and Mrs Walsh.

Any adult, parent/carer or child can report a concern to the safeguarding team who will take the issue seriously, fully investigate and then offer support where needed.

The role of safeguarding in school is to educate children about keeping themselves safe, happy and well.  Our curriculum supports this through weekly Jigsaw sessions as well as bespoke enrichment days, assemblies and visitors. 

As well as supporting the children in school, we do also offer support and guidance to parents who need help in the home or with specific concerns, this might involve making a Multi Agency Referral to Trafford's First Response who can then signpost the most relevant external support. 

If you have any questions regarding safeguarding, our role as a team in the school or would like to know more about a specific issue please do not hesitate to get in touch.

CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH WEEK 6th-12th February 2023.

Let's Connect

Look at the ways we have been learning about how to take care of our mental health and how we have been connecting with others.

Children's Mental Health Week Assembly 2023

Mental Health Week Video

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Here is what we were thinking about and what we got up to during this week in school.

Child Sexual Exploitation

What is child sexual exploitation?

It’s not okay for someone to make or manipulate you into doing sexual things for the benefit or enjoyment of others.

It is a form of sexual abuse and it is against the law.

For example, someone may try and get you to do sexual things by:

  • offering you money
  • hurting or threatening to hurt you
  • humiliating or threatening to humiliate you
  • buying you presents
  • taking you out to places
  • giving you a place to stay
  • telling you that they love you

It’s not always easy to know when you are being sexually exploited, especially if it is your friend, boyfriend or girlfriend that is exploiting you. Learn how to spot the signs.

There are lots of different types of child sexual exploitation, which is why it can be hard to tell if it is happening to you, or for your parents and carers to spot that something is wrong. These are just some examples:

  • An abuser may pretend to be your friend and earn your trust before trying to get you to have sex. This is called grooming.
  • A group of young people might gang up you to get you to carry out sex acts. This might be in return for friendship or so you can join the gang.
  • An abuser may try and become your friend online – perhaps pretending to be someone your age – getting you to carry out sex acts using a web cam.
  • A new boyfriend or girlfriend might start to expect you to have sex with them in return for gifts or favours, or try to get you to have sex with their friends.
  • Abusers might try and lure you to parties with promises of free alcohol and drugs, but then expect you to have sex with people while you are there.

Read more about child sexual exploitation on the Barnardo’s and NSPCC websites.

Undressed - London Grid for Learning

Undressed (

Get help

Talk to trained counsellors on the 24 hour helplines run by Childline on 0800 11 11 and the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.

If you think a child is in immediate danger, call the police on 999.


The NSPCC and Childline have published a set of downloadable posters to support two campaigns: Nobody is Normal (about being different); and Tough to Talk (boys' mental health). Posters are also available for D/deaf or hearing impaired children.

The posters can be downloaded here:

Nobody is Normal page is here:

Tough to Talk page is here:

We support the NSPCC 'Speak Out, Stay Safe' Programme

Speak out. Stay safe. | NSPCC

Our Speak out Stay safe programme gives children the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe from abuse and neglect.

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