Modern Foreign Languages
At Altrincham CE Primary School, we believe that all children should learn a second language by being immersed and inspired by not only the language but also the culture and communities of the people who speak it. We offer a high-quality MFL education that will inspire pupils’ curiosity to learn further languages and equip them with the foundations to live, study and work in other countries.
At ACE, we recognise that language is the central element of the curriculum and is at the heart of pupils’ learning. Language allows children to communicate with others and express their feelings, emotions and thoughts. Language learning should therefore enhance children’s ability to communicate and as such a second language will give our children the opportunity to enhance this ability with communities in other countries around the world and provide an opening to other cultures. Language education should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world.
Through this enhanced ability to communicate, it aims to develop the pupil’s intercultural awareness and to understand the need to act with empathy and responsibility towards others. Learning a second language and developing the ability to communicate in that language is a great confidence builder, as well as a potential skill in the work place later in life.
We want children to enjoy their early years of learning French and to value the sights and sounds of France, the rhythm of the language and the real pleasure that can be gained from contact with the written word.