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At Altrincham CE Primary School we strive to support all children to enable them to achieve their full potential through a rich, broad and balanced education and through experiencing the love and security of belonging to a caring Christian community.  

Some children may need further support to help them reach their full potential and if this is the case we offer excellent support for pupils with additional needs through Inclusive Quality First Teaching, early identification of need and appropriate intervention.  Through hard work and determination our teachers and teaching assistants provide personalised learning plans and deliver structured intervention programmes to support our pupils.  

Mrs Victoria Walsh is our named SENCO and she is happy to answer any questions relating to SEND provision at Altrincham CE Primary School.

She can be contacted via the school office

Tel: 0161 928 7288

Or by email:

ACE SEND Offer 2024-2025

Trafford SEND Local Offer

Every local authority must identify education, health and social care services in their local area provided for children, young people and families who have Special Educational Needs or who are Disabled (SEND).

When we refer to our local offer, we mean all the services and organisations which are part of the support on offer in Trafford.  Information about services provided outside our local area that local people are likely to use are provided on the website.

You can access the local offer online

They also have an outreach team who meet families and professionals in the community! It's certainly worth a visit to the website to find out what is on offer in your local area for a child or young person with special educational needs or who are disabled (SEND) and their families.

Introduction video produced by Aside Media Productions, with huge thanks from Trafford Family Information Service (FIS).

Trafford SEND Local Offer

Find out what is on offer in your local area for a child or young person with special educational needs or who are disabled (SEND) and their families. Introd...

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Useful Websites for Parents of SEND Children


Relaxed Events
There are many relaxed performances over the festive period. The above website allows parents to sign up for a relaxed events newsletter to keep you in the know.

British Dyslexia
The BDA is the voice of dyslexic people. Our vision is that of a dyslexia friendly society that enables dyslexic people to reach their potential.

Mencap is the UK's leading learning disability charity working with people with a learning disability and their families and carers.
The NAS exists to champion the rights and interests of all people with autism and to ensure that they and their families receive quality services appropriate to their needs.

National Deaf Children's Society
The National Deaf Children’s Society is the only UK charity solely dedicated to providing support, information and advice for deaf children and young people, their families and professionals working with them.

Hypermobility Syndrome Association
Hypermobility Syndrome Association provides specific information for children and their parents to help families who often just don’t know where to turn. We run specialist family programmes, where families can learn together how best to manage the many symptoms relating to hypermobility, gain confidence and ask any questions they may have.

Young Minds
Young Minds offer free, confidential online and telephone support, including information and advice, to any adult worried about the emotional problems, behaviour or mental health of a child or young person up to the age of 25.

Trafford Family Information Service

Trafford's Family Information Service provide free, impartial, confidential information and advice to mums, dads, carers, young people and professionals on a range of subjects including childcare, the local offer and an outreach service.

Who to contact

Telephone: 0161 912 1053


Website: Trafford Directory



Trafford Parent Forum

Trafford's parent's forum is all about Trafford parents supporting each other who have children and young people with SEN, Disability and/or additional needs.

 Being the parent or carer of a child with special needs can be a lonely, demanding and frustrating experience and TPF believe it is vital that parents have a meaningful voice, in these difficult times. Apart from the "big stuff," they also want the forum to be a source of help, advice and support for parents. That could be anything from a cup of coffee to parent training. The forum is open to all parents and carers of Trafford’s children and young people (0 -25) with Special Education Needs or who are disabled.  

The forum meets at regular intervals to discuss the issues within Trafford. They realise, of course, that for many parents, attending meetings is not a realistic option and they use a range of means to keep as many parents as possible in the information loop. 

Come and join them at their weekly drop in and catch up for parent carers. There’s no need to book, you just turn up! Dates, times and venues are on their Facebook page, SPIT Trafford.

Who to contact

Telephone: 0161 872 0183


Website: Trafford Parents Forum Website




Trafford SEND Information and Support Service (SENDIASS)

SENDIASS provide free, impartial, confidential and accessible advice, information and support on matters relating to special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities including concerns relating to health and social care. Their service is for: 

  • parents or carers of children aged from 0-25 years with SEN or who are disabled
  • young people aged 16-25 with SEN or who are disabled 

This includes children in early years settings, pupils in schools, students at colleges of further education, young people in apprenticeships and training programmes, young people who may have SEN and who are currently unemployed and in none of the above educational programmes. 


  • Help you with information about how to apply for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan
  • Help with information and advice about support available in local schools for pupils with SEN
  • Provide information, advice and support in relation to the take up of personal budgets
  • Provide information on the law on SEN and disability, health and social care
  • Help you gather information relating to SEN and disability for assessments
  • Help you understand and interpret information relating to SEN and Disability
  • Provide information on the Local Authority's Disagreement Resolution Service and Independent Mediation Service
  • Signpost you to the Independent Support Service in Trafford (which is independent of the Local Authority), who can help co-ordinate the process and provide help and support if your child has an existing Statement of SEN which is being transferred to an EHC Plan
  • Provide information about complaints procedures
  • Help you lodge an appeal with the SEND Tribunal Service, and support you throughout this appeal
  • Signpost you or your child to relevant SEND support groups, organisations and other local authority services including Connexions, housing and young peoples' forums
  • Help with information on schools' admissions policies, exclusions policies and school transport policies 

Who to contact

Telephone: 0161 912 3150


Website: Trafford PYPPS



Introduction to the Information Advice and Support Service

A short animation funded by the Department for Education to help children and young people with SEND and their parents learn about the service and support on...

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